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Michael Lucas

“Homosexuality in porn idustry spins around asshole. I call it anal fascism.”


Daddy and Papa

Johnny Symons, 2002. Daddy and Papa

Daddy & Papa explores the psychological and social impact of four gay couples who are making a controversial decision that turns out to be the most traditional thing in the world: to parent children. This is now well known that single parenting is a major part of our understanding of “American family.” About 26.2% of all children under 21 living in families have a parent not living at home. But the “average” American still assume a gay couple walking with their child on the street as a straight dad with dad’s buddy hanging out with dad and child. This is not a culture war, but rather a battle of culture versus nurture. Are children raised by same sex (male) parents harmed by not having a mother? Should gay white men be raising African American children? What is the effect of sexual orientation on the children? Symons shows that many of the issues are simply those of parents wanting to raise their children well, and the fact that these parents are gay men is almost irrelevant. Many of the issues discussed could also be applied to single men or women who want to adopt.



South Africa has the most progressive constitution in the world, so they say, which protects all people against discrimination. It is ironic that some British (by the way, gay) couples get married in Africa. This is not the whole story of Africa, however. Gay activist Juliet Victor Mukasa, chairperson of Sexual Minorities Uganda, says “Lesbians and gays, all sexual minorities, have been excluded from the national AIDS policy, and there’s just death, we’re just dying off, of HIV and AIDS.” In Kenya two separate penal codes relate to the gays and the archaic laws can lead to a 5 to 14 year jail term for homosexuality. “Amongst traditional Kenyan people, it was unheard of,” says Pastor Kuchio. He believes the practice must have been imported into Kenya. Gay community’s monthly party now gets police protection. But mention something as fundamental as a gay pride march and it is met with laughs. CNN has a story about this.

And also do check out this interesting blogs: Rants and raves of a Kenyan gay man and Akinola, Repudiate Anti-Gay Violance


What’s in a Name?

California overturns gay marriage Ban; It is the 2nd state to allow gay marriage


O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name;
Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,
And I’ll no longer be a Capulet.

‘Tis but thy name that is my enemy;
Thou art thyself, though not a Montague.
What’s Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot,
Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part
Belonging to a man. O, be some other name!
What’s in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;
So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call’d,
Retain that dear perfection which he owes
Without that title. Romeo, doff thy name,
And for that name which is no part of thee
Take all myself.

I take thee at thy word:
Call me but love, and I’ll be new baptized;
Henceforth I never will be Romeo.

William Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet; Act II.


On Pigs and Piegons

Christopher Rice

“That’s not what I do. I might be more open to that label if I hadn’t introduced ensemble casts of characters. Granted, A Density of Souls is as close to a gay book as you can get. It revolves around a character’s homosexuality and others are described in terms of their reaction to the one character’s sexuality. In that sense it’s at the core of the book. The Snow Garden is about identity. With this book, I’m trying to shrug off the term “gay” author.”

Why can’t we get over this pigheaded particular/general dichotomy? The author, quite understandably, avoids getting pigeonholed, but can we gainsay the importance of advocating or advancing a particular respectable cause?



Alfred Hitchcock, 1948. Rope

“Most expressions of homosexuality in most of movies are indirect. And what’s interesting about that is of course that is what it was like to express homosexuality in life, that we could only express ourselves indirectly, just as people on the screen could only express themselves indirectly. And the sense in which the characters are in the closet, the movie is in the closet and we are in the closet.”

Richard Dyer


Not Just a Star; The Moon

Jerusalem, 2006

“This year I invite all residents of Jerusalem to join the march and demand that Jerusalem remain both a holy and a democratic city. The prophet Zachariah calls on us to imagine the plazas of Jerusalem filled with old men and women, boys and girls playing together. The prophet adds, “Do not contrive evil against one another… those are the things I hate, declares the Lord.” If we wish to see Zachariah’s prophecy come true, we have to fight evil by speaking lovingly and respectfully – especially when we disagree. (glbtjews)

LEVI WEIMAN-KELMAN, rabbi of Kehillat Kol HaNeshama, a Reform congregation in Jerusalem


It happened up at the family cottage of all places. I met him when I was swimming in the lake. He was as good a swimmer as I was and we began talking when we decided to dry off on the beach. The conversation turned to sex as it always does between guys. He was wearing a skimpy bathing suit and I was wearing cut off jeans. I noticed his bulge expanding as we continued chatting. Suddenly, my dick twitches and starts expanding.


Pale Red

Sunil Babu Pant, President of BDS

The Blue Diamond Society (BDS) of Nepal is one of the world’s most respected advocacy organizations fighting for the human rights of sexual minorities. Sunil Babu Pant, Founder and President of BDS, is Nepal’s first openly gay politician who was selected to represent a small communist party in the country’s new constituent assembly.

It is really interesting to hear that a communist party in a third world country tolerates gays. The struggle of LGBT people in the third world countries is not easy to grasp. Nepal is a country between China and India; so this amalgamation of the most advanced front of freedom with the worst form totalitarianism may come as no surprise.




A heterosexual buckaroo is practically asymmetrical, and for a classical sensibility asymmetry hasn’t much appeal. Buckaroo’s HOMO version, however, could be no joke at all. It can turn really dirty, strangely nasty, truly ugly. The moment the first drop of blood appears on his lips or nose you see what I mean. There are moments that you can’t tell if it is now a real fight, a play or a dance. You attack only to be defeated. You start from horsing around and you end up in a real fight, and sometimes vice versa. This is a choreography full of groundwork, as well as sweeps, kicks, headbutts, elbow-strikes, slaps, punches, and body-throws.

"Freedom means freedom for everyone."
May 2024

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